Sunday, June 6, 2010

So, I am at camp, and from the moment I stepped on this camp campus, I realized that when I applied here, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I am working everyday from 7am-10pm with one afternoon off. This is not what I expected, but this is what I needed. Everyday I am encouraged and expected to selflessly serve others and to focus on the advancing of His kingdom. I have been consumed in this whirlwind of serving every hour of everyday and preparing for further service this year. With only a half hour of time before bed every night, I have been trying to fit in my devotions before lights out, but already, I am feeling drained and needing to be refreshed by my Savior.

Last night, my storm caught up with me. I was woken up in the middle of the night and moved to the first floor of my building because of a tornado warning. There, our leadership told us to fill the bathrooms because it was the safest part of the building. While waiting out this storm in the middle of the night missing much needed sleep, I found the renewal I needed. There on the floor of the boys bathroom, we sang hymns to Our Lord and Praised Him for what He is doing in us. The boys bathroom became my Sanctuary: the place I reconnected with my Savior. (gross, but beautiful).

Here I am learning how to serve selflessly, constantly focus on my Savior, and find time with my Lord at every chance.

Just an update.

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